The completed trip

The completed trip
49 states, 10 provinces and a territory

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cool name

Both my parents posted last night and were arguing over who had to post so I decided to stop the argument by posting so neither of them had to. Today we are in Georgia, if you want a more accurate description of where we are (map-wise) look up Chattanooga Tennessee because that is the town we are staying in. Before you ask it is a border town. The place we are staying in is rather nice, no paved roads but they are smooth and flat as are the sites which are all pull throughs, and they either have good wifi or I am getting really used to bad wifi and their's is average. Another cool thing about the site is that we are staying at is that it is the site of a civil war battlefield. Which brings me nicely to what is new with me (going all the way back to early february) in Eldar mythology in the 40k universe those who die in battle come back as hawks for revenge on those that killed them marking them out in future battles. The warriors that embody this aspect of mythology are the Swooping Hawks Aspect Warriors. In one of my earlier Warhammer spending sprees I bought an Autarch with Swooping Hawk Wings (a useful piece of wargear) but I had no squad to attach him to because they did not have Swooping Hawks out yet. At one of the few GamesWorkshops I have been to they did have Swooping Hawks so I decided to buy them (you know how it is a few dollars cheaper to buy Warhammer stuff in the US). By now you've noticed that I am rambling but if you know me you know I do that a lot and now you've noticed something a little off about my style of writing which all my english teachers call stream of conscience but please note that this is slowed down because there would be another three topics if I just went off that, my mind is very jumpy and will jump to jokes at the oddest things which is why I occasionally laugh at nothing.


  1. Happy birthday Mandell

  2. Absolutely, yesterday was my brother Mandell's birthday as well as my 'nephew' Justin. Both, I am sure had a wonderful day.
